AisleMark™ PVC Marking Tape – 150 Series

11 tape colors designed to meet OSHA safety coding requirements

Excellent conformability to uneven shapes and surfaces

Suitable for decorating, striping and sealing

Available Colors:


AisleMark™ PVC Marking Tape is a premium quality vinyl tape designed for industrial, commercial and recreational safety marking applications. Used to identify aisles, steps, equipment and potentially hazardous areas. Eleven good-looking, optically strong colors satisfy all OSHA marking requirements. Also an effective tape as a mask in electroplating applications.

AisleMark Vinyl Aisle Marking Tape Bulk Wholesale


  • Sturdy 6 mil vinyl – will hold up under the heaviest duty wear and traffic conditions.
  • Highly conformable to all surfaces.
  • Abrasion resistant and non-fading.
  • Resists oil, grease and many solvents.
  • Easily dispensed, either automatically or by hand, for quick and secure installation.
  • Immersion in water will not cause disintegration or loosening.
  • Each of the AisleMark™ colors is individually designed to satisfy specific OSHA marking requirements. Black or White designates traffic flow. Yellow, caution. Red, fire protection equipment. Blue, a machine under repair. Green, safety equipment. Orange, potentially dangerous moving machine parts and equipment.
Item # Roll Size Units / Case Case Size Case Weight
15503_ 3/8″ (9 mm) x 36 yd 128 / case – Bulk 10.375″ x 10.375″ x 12.125″ 23 lbs
15505_ 1/2″ (12 mm) x 36 yd 96 / case – Bulk 10.375″ x 10.375″ x 12.125″ 23 lbs
15507_ 3/4″ (18 mm) x 36 yd 64 / case – Bulk 10.375″ x 10.375″ x 12.125″ 22 lbs
15510_ 1″ (24 mm) x 36 yd 48 / case – Bulk n/a 22 lbs
15520_ 2″ (48 mm) x 36 yd 24 / case – Cello 14.2″ x 9.8″ x 8.9″ 22 lbs
15530_ 3″ (72 mm) x 36 yd 16 / case – Bulk 19.7″ x 9.8″ x 6.7″ 22 lbs
15540_ 4″ (96 mm) x 36 yd 12 / case – Bulk 10.375″ x 10.375″ x 12.125″ 22 lbs
L150108_0 48″ (1219 mm) x 36 yd 2 / case – Log 53.5″ x 9.8″ x 5.3″ 48 lbs
15605_ 1/2″ (12 mm) x 60 yd 96 / case – Bulk n/a 31 lbs
15607_ 3/4″ (18 mm) x 60 yd 64 / case – Bulk n/a 31 lbs
15610_ 1″ (24 mm) x 60 yd 48 / case – Bulk n/a 31 lbs
15620_ 2″ (48 mm) x 60 yd 24 / case – Bulk n/a 35 lbs
15630_ 3″ (72 mm) x 60 yd 16 / case – Bulk n/a 32 lbs
15640_ 4″ (96 mm) x 60 yd 12 / case – Bulk n/a 32 lbs
L150180_0 48″ (1219 mm) x 60 yd 2 / case – Log 53.5″ x 11″ x 6.1″ 75 lbs
Purple 155030 155050 155070 155100 155200 155300 155400 L15010800 156050 156070 156100 156200 156300 156400 L15018000 Purple (0) Yellow 155031 155051 155071 155101 155201 155301 155401 L15010810 156051 156071 156101 156201 156301 156401 L15018010 Yellow (1) Red 155032 155052 155072 155102 155202 155302 155402 L15010820 156052 156072 156102 156202 156302 156402 L15018020 Red (2) White 155033 155053 155073 155103 155203 155303 155403 L15010830 156053 156073 156103 156203 156303 156403 L15018030 White (3) Orange 155034 155054 155074 155104 155204 155304 155404 L15010840 156054 156074 156104 156204 156304 156404 L15018040 Orange (4) Blue 155035 155055 155075 155105 155205 155305 155405 L15010850 156055 156075 156105 156105 156205 156305 156405 L15018050 Blue (5) Brown 155036 155056 155076 155106 155206 155306 155406 L15010860 156056 156076 156106 156206 156306 156406 L15018060 Brown (6) Gray 155037 155057 155077 155107 155207 155307 155407 L15010870 156057 156077 156107 156207 156307 156407 L15018070 Gray (7) Green 155038 155058 155078 155108 155208 155308 155408 L15010880 156058 156078 156108 156208 156308 156408 L15018080 Green (8) Black 155039 155059 155079 155109 155209 155309 155409 L15010890 156059 156079 156109 156209 156309 156409 L15018090 Black (9) Clear 1550305 1550505 1550705 0551005 1552005 1553005 1554005 L150108050 1560505 1560705 1561005 1562005 1563005 1564005 L150180050 Clear (05)

Technical & Consumer Data

Physical Properties

Backing Material: Vinyl Film
Adhesive: Natural Rubber Resin
Total Tape Thickness: 6 mil
Tensile Strength: 16 lbs. / in. MIN
Unwind @ 150 FPM: 80 oz. / in.
Elongation 160 % MIN
Adhesion To Steel: 22 oz. / in. +/- 3
Operating Temperature 0°F – 176°F

Government Specifications: AA-1689B, Type II / (meets cancelled spec PPP-T-66E, Type 1, Class 2)

The physical and performance characteristics shown are averages obtained from tests recommended by ASTM, government agencies or our own procedures. A particular roll may vary slightly from these averages and it is recommended that the purchaser determine the suitability for his own purpose.


Sell Sheet

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

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